Manvinder Rattan is a Choral and Orchestral Conductor and Tutor.

Manvinder is one of the U.K.’s most experienced conductor trainers with a considerable track record of success in both choral and orchestral training. He spent 25 years as a tutor for Sing for Pleasure–the latter 17 years as its Head of Conductor training–in which time the courses became accredited by the ABRSM and participant numbers reached an all-time high with unprecedented approval ratings.

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Conductor training

Manvinder spent 25 years as a conductor trainer for Sing for Pleasure, 17 of those as Head of Conductor Training and he led on the accreditation of the courses by the ABRSM and consistently high approval ratings by participants. He has guest tutored across Europe, India and Kenya. Manvinder is available for one-to-one training  This is best done in the form of a video review of a recent rehearsal, recorded face-on. Send him a message to find out more. He is also available for bespoke training programmes for schools, music services and hubs, universities, multi-academy trusts and other organisations both here and abroad. He tutors from beginner to advanced level and frequently tutors orchestral conducting as well as choral.

“Manvinder is an extraordinarily effective trainer of conductors, whether they be just starting out or more experienced. His ‘can do’ approach, allied to innate sensitivity and humour, together with an ability to convey the essentials of a cast-iron technique, inspires and enables all who work with him. In short, Manvinder is one of nature’s empowerers, and is a joy to work with.”

Simon Toyne Executive Director of Music for the David Ross Education Trust

Music in the workplace

Manvinder spent 27 years as Musical Director at John Lewis Partnership and during that time, appeared as a judge on Gareth Malone's 'Sing while you Work' series in 2012, an enlightening focus on the benefits of singing (and music-making in general) in the workplace, on well-being and teamwork. Get in touch with Manvinder if you'd like his support in getting singing started in your workplace, wherever you work.

Choral Consultancy

When Manvinder took on the role of Musical Director for John Lewis Partnership, he inherited one choir of around 35 singers, presenting 3 performances a year. At its peak, the JLP Music Society, under his leadership, encompassed 21 choirs all over the country, an award-winning orchestra, a jazz band, and a music tuition service on two Head Office sites, offering over 40 performances, both here and abroad. Get in touch with Manvinder if you want to discuss how he can help you grow your organisation through his drive, vision, determination and strategic vision.

People Development

Manvinder was fortunate enough to have a richly varied career at John Lewis Partnership, including an invaluable stint in People development. He brought those skills to bear in professionalising the conductor training structures at Sing for Pleasure and now offers bespoke courses to help individuals and teams be the best they can be.  In particular. he delivers highly-regarded training in the following areas;

  • Negotiation skills - almost every conversation is a negotiation in some form or other (children are brilliant at this; "Mummy, if I finish my homework, please may I have an ice-cream?") but few negotiations are consciously prepared or planned for. Get in touch with Manvinder to figure out what your tradeables are, what IS a negotiating arena, how do you get a win-win negotiation where everyone walks away happy?

  • Presentation skills - what does it take to stand up in front of a group of people, however small or big, and get my message over in a convincing way that builds my credibility and makes me look like I know what I'm talking about? Get in touch with Manvinder to find out.

  • An Introduction to Project Management Skills - with particular application to music events. Manvinder spent many years at John Lewis Partnership developing post-graduate students from a number of UK conservatoires in using project management skills to help plan and deliver big concerts in a timely and professional manner, using simple event management tools, critical paths and milestones.

  • Coaching Skills - a valuable development tool to help people unlock their own potential. Using the GROW model and good questioning and listening techniques, it is remarkable what people can be capable of.